MAGA Makes Peace With Terror

[ A follow-up to MAGA and the al-Rightly ]

Kabul has fallen. President Biden and the G-7 struggle to rescue their people from Afghanistan. And MAGAts have found new inspiration.

Banned from Twitter, white nationalist Nick Fuentes has come around on the potential of reactionary Islamism to advance his goals.
From Gab, 15 August 2021, the day of the Fall of Kabul. Nick sees the Taliban victory as an antidote to his hopeless blackpill. He has found The Light and it is the white banner of the Taliban.

Aspiring influencer Mr James (@MisterVeracity) of Daily Veracity has this to say about the Taliban’s social policies:

Some influenced right wing voices are warming up to the Taliban as well. Take @IowaNice1 (cleverly disguised as an Illinoisan) as an example:

Prediction: In Progress

Some of the big-name online Right personalities are blaming Biden for the failure of the Afghanistan withdrawal and treat the Taliban as, in some ways, a model for their own politics.

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